понедельник, 10 октября 2011 г.

Ekovilage Kovcheg

Houses and family parts 2008

From bird's height (46Kb)
From bird's height
At the entrance to the ecovillage (41Kb)
At the entrance to the ecovillage
Approach to common house (32Kb)
Approach to common house
Picturesque flowerbeds and hotbeds on family part
Topview for  the ecovillage (and still no every houses is viewing) (52Kb)
Topview for the ecovillage
(and still no every houses is viewing)
Apiary  (50Kb)
Apiary near the house
Cellar for winter supply (35Kb)
Cellar for winter supply
Moon (8Kb)
Moon, fog, ecovillage
Our lovely joiner's shop (45Kb)
Our lovely joiner's shop
It'll be beautiful house (49Kb)
It'll be beautiful house
The first thing is internet (48Kb)
The first thing is internet
Rainbow - for happiness (11Kb)
Rainbow - for happiness
It's not possible to guess what is it! (49Kb)
It's not possible to guess what is it!
Why a vegetable garden must not to be beautiful? (55Kb)
Why a vegetable garden must not to be beautiful?
The Kovcheg and sky (17Kb)
The Kovcheg and sky
Fog steep bank (11Kb)
Fog steep bank
Working days of beekeeper (21Kb)
Working days of beekeeper
They already live in this house and receive guests (41Kb)
They already live in this house and receive guests
Well (25Kb)
South well in common area
Flowerbed (31Kb)
Wonderful flowerbed

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